Class 12 English [Grammar] Unit: 1 – 20 Complete Grammar Exercise with Solution - Note Library


Class 12 English [Grammar] Unit: 1 – 20 Complete Grammar Exercise with Solution

Class 12 English [Grammar] Unit: 1 – 20 Complete Grammar Exercise with Solution

 Language Development



 Language Development

Unit 1 - Critical Thinking 


Question Tags.

A. Study the following examples.

a. You are tired, aren't you?

b. He left Kathmandu, didn't he?

c. Your father never touched alcoholic drink, did he ?

B. Rewrite the following sentences adding appropriate question tag.

a. Gill does not know Ann, does he? 

b. I‟m very patient, aren’t I? 

c. They‟d never met me before, had they? 

d. Listen carefully, will you? 

e. Let‟s have a break, shall we? 

f. Let us invite them, will you? 

g. Hari used to live in France as a boy, didn’t he? 

h. You‟d better not take a hard drink, had you? 

i. Sheep eat grass, don’t they? 

j. Mr. Pandey can speak nine languages, can/can’t he? 

k. She‟s finished her classes, hasn’t she? 

l. She barely managed to reach the goal, did she? 

m. Don‟t let him swim in that pond, will you? 

n. There are lots of people here,aren’t there? 

C. Read the following situations. What do you say in these situations? Use question tags.

a. The sky is full of cloud. You can see lightning and hear thunder. 

 It‟s going to rain soon, isn’t it? 

b. You want to pay the taxi fare but you are short by 100 rupees. 

Shyam, you will lend me 100 rupees, won’t you? 

c. You have met a stranger at a party and you want to have a chat with him/ her. Let’s talk, shall we? 

d. You came out of the film hall with your friend. You enjoyed the film.  

The film was mind-blowing, wasn’t it?

e. You and your friend listened to a comedian on the stage and felt spellbound by his/her performance. 

He gave an excellent performance, didn’t he? 

f. You think your friend‟s father has arrived from US but you are not sure.

 Your father has arrived from the US, hasn’t he? 

g. You think Susan will join the new job tomorrow but you are not sure 

Susan will join the new job tomorrow, won’t he? 

 h. Your friend‟s hair looks too short. 

You have got a haircut, haven’t you? 

 i. You want to go for a picnic with your friends in class. 

Let’s go for a picnic, shall we? 

 j. You want permission from your father to go for a walk.

 Let me go for a walk, will you?  

Unit 2

Modal Verbs

A. Study the given Sentences carefully.

a. Please read this letter for me. I can't see without my glasses.

b. After working for a couple of years in China. I can speak Chinese now.

c. When he was 40, he could earn six digit salary.

d. After sixty hour's climbing, we were able to reach the summit.

d. Yesterday, I lost my keys. I looked for them everywhere but I couldn't find.

B. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 

a. 'How much was your parking ticket?' 'Fifty rupees.' 'Oh well, it could have been worse.' 

i. could have ii. must have iii. should have 

b. It might have got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes 

i. can't have ii. might haveiii. must have 

c. 'Sorry I'm late. I got delayed at work.' 'You could have  called. I was really worried about you.' 

i. must have ii. could have iii. would have 

d. 'I don't think he meant to be rude.' 'He might have said sorry.' 

 i. must have ii. might have iii. would have 

e. 'Whose signature is this?' 'I don't know. It could be Manoj's. That looks a bit like an M.' 

 i. must ii. could iii. should 

f. I had it when I left the office so I must have lost it on the way to home. 

 i. mustn't have ii. must have iii. should have 

g. You might think it's funny, but I think it's pathetic. 

 i. might ii. should iii. could

C. Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.

Example: She could be a doctor; however,…………….…………… She could be a doctor; however, she preferred to be an advocate. 

 a. At the end of the course, students must submit their assignment. 

b.If you want to earn a lot of money, you should invest your money. 

c.You were not in your house yesterday. You might have gone to a movie theatre.

 d. I'm quite busy tomorrow. I can’t/won’tnot join the party. 

e. When you were a small kid you might have beenirritating. 

f. My car is broken. I should get a mechanic to fix it. 

g. I've got a fast speed internet at home. I can download large files. 

h. Even though she didn't study well, she might pass her NEB exam. 

i. There are plenty of newspapers in the library. You can read newspaper of your choice if you want. 

 j. What do you think you were doing, playing in the road? You must be careful. 

k. I have no time. I can’t wait for his arrival. 

l. You don't look well. You should take rest.    

Unit 3

Determiners and quantifiers 

B. Complete the following sentences with much, many, few or little.       

 a. He is an introvert. He has got very few friends.  

b. I am busy in preparing my examinations. I have very little time to give to you. 

 c. The entire winter season was dry this year. We had little rain. 

 d. Our town has almost been modernized. There are few old buildings left.

 f. The party was crowded. There were too many people.  

g. How many photographs did you take while you were in Switzerland? 

 h. There was little traffic so I came in time. 

 i. Can I borrow some/few books from you? j. Mohan can‟t be a good teacher. He has little patience.

C. Put each or every in the following sentences. 

 a. The party split into three factions, each faction headed by a former prime minister. 

 b. Leap years occur every four years. 

 c. Every parent worries about their children. 

 d. We had a great time in Singapore. We enjoyed every minute of our time. 

 e. I could catch the main idea of his speech but I didn‟t understand each of his words. 

 f. In Nepal, every motorcycle rider should wear a helmet. 

g. You must read each of these books for the exam.  

D. Rewrite the following sentences using all of, most of, none of, both of or some of. 

 a. Your garden is superb. All of the flowers are beautiful

 b. Do you know Bharat and Kamal? Of course, I do. Both of them are my friends. 

 c. I bought a box of apples thinking it would be cheaper but I was mistaken. Most of them were rotten. 

 d. When I was in the town, I asked some people for direction but none of them were able to help me. I had to call my friend. 

 e. We all were soaked in the rain because none of us had carried an umbrella. 

 f. My father is healthy in his seventies but he feels isolated because all of his friends are dead now. 

 g. All of the tourists are not Chinese. Some of them are Korean too.

E. Choose the best word from the brackets to complete the sentences. 

 a. Give me the money I owe you. (which/the/a/an) 

 b. I want the boat which would take me to the island. (the/an/those/a) 

 c. Could you pour me some water, please? (many/few/these/some) 

 d. Only few employees know how important the project was. (a few/a little/little/few)  

e. He was looking for an umbrella. (an/a/those/these) 

 f. A large amount of water was evaporated due to excessive heat. (A large number of/ A lot of/ A large amount of/Many) 

Unit 4 

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

a. The invitation is for one person. I don‟t mind whether you or she (come) to the party. 

 Ans: The invitation is for one person. I don‟t mind whether you or she comes to the party

 b. Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister (have) felt regret for the party split. 

 Ans: Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister has felt regret for the party split. 

 c. I don‟t care whether he or she (win) the lottery. 

 Ans: I don‟t care whether he or she wins the lottery. 

 d. Either the Kantipur or the Republica (be) used for the advertisement. 

 Ans: Either the Kantipur or the Republica is used for the advertisement 

e. She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister (understand) her. 

 Ans: She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister understands her. 

 f. I forgot whether the singers or the actress (be) given the Film Fair Award last year. 

 Ans: I forgot whether the singers or the actress was given the Film Fair Award last year. 

 g. Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas (fit) me perfectly.

Ans: Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas fit me perfectly. 

h. Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters (be) suitable for room heating

 Ans: Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters are suitable for room heating.

C. This passage contains the agreement errors. Correct the subjects or verbs that don’t agree with each other. Remember to use present tense in your corrections.

Within the state of Arizona, Rob, along with his family, move frequently, from city to city. After his arrival, one of his first tasks are to find an apartment close to work as he do not have a car. Usually, there is many different places to choose from, and he consider cost, location, and luxury. If one apartment has a washing machine and dryer and cost four hundred dollars a month, he prefer to rent it over another apartment which have significantly less rent located two blocks from a Laundromat. Rob’s family never wants to live in an apartment on the thirteenth floor since all of them fears heights. He also try to choose an apartment with landlords recommended by former tenants. Everybody know that it is important to find a responsible landlord. Rob and his wife loves to cook together when both is free, so he need a spacious, well equipped kitchen. Rob often also look for a place with an air conditioner because there is so many scorching days and nights in Arizona. Whenever Rob find a new apartment, all of his concerns disappears. He feel relieved and call his mother. Someone understands!


       Within the state of Arizona, Rob, along with his family, moves frequently, from city to city. After his arrival, one of his first tasks is to find an apartment close to work as he does not have a car. Usually, there are many different places to choose from, and he considers cost, location, and luxury. If one apartment has a washing machine and dryer and cost four hundred dollars a month, he prefers to rent it over another apartment which has significantly less rent located two blocks from a Laundromat. Rob’s family never wants to live in an apartment on the thirteenth floor since all of them fears heights. He also tries to choose an apartment with landlords recommended by former tenants. Everybody knows that it is important to find a responsible landlord. Rob and his wife love to cook together when both are free, so he needs a spacious, well-equipped kitchen. Rob often also looks for a place with an air conditioner because there are so many scorching days and nights in Arizona. Whenever Rob finds a new apartment, all of his concerns disappear. He feels relieved and calls his mother. Someone understands!

Unit: 5 




A. Study the following sentences and underline the connectives. 

a. Although she spoke very fast, I understood what she meant to say.

- Although she spoke very fast, I understood what she meant to ss

b. In spite of her hard labour, she failed her exam.

- In spite of her hard labour, she failed her exam.

c. Though he had all the required qualifications, he did not get the job.

- Though he had all the required qualifications, he did not get the job. 

d. Despite having all the qualifications, he did not get the job. 

- Despite having all the qualifications, he did not get the job. 

B. Join the following pairs of sentences twice, using although/though/even though and despite/in spite of as in the example. 

          Example: Nepali people have limited income. They are very happy. 

                          i. Although Nepali people have limited income, they are happy. 

                          ii. Nepali people are happy in spite of their limited income. 

a. He is a millionaire. He lives in a simple house.

- Although he is a millionaire, he lives in a simple house. 

- Despite being a millionaire, he lives in a simple house. 

c. We study in the same college. We hardly see each other.

- Although we study in the same college, we hardly see each other. 

- Despite studying in the same college, we hardly see each other.

d. It rained heavily. We enjoyed our holiday.

- Although it rained heavily, we enjoyed our holiday.  

- We enjoyed our holiday despite the heavy rain.

e. I had an umbrella. I got wet in the rain.

- Although I had an umbrella, I got wet in the rain. 

- In spite of having an umbrella, I got wet in the rain.

f. I was really tired. I could not sleep a moment.

- Although I was really tired, I could not sleep a moment. 

- Despite being really tired, I could not sleep a moment.

g. She has very good accent in English. She failed the interview of a newsreader.

-Although she has very good accent in English, she failed the interview of a newsreader.

-In spite of having very good accent in English, she failed the interview of a newsreader.

h. Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winter. Millions of tourists go there in January.

= Although Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winter, millions of tourists go there in January.

= Despite having extremely cold weather in winter, millions of tourists go to Lhasa in January.

i. He was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match. He was victorious in the third round

= Although he was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third roun

= In spite of being badly injured in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third round.

C. Complete each sentence in an appropriate way. 

a. He passed the exam although he didn’t prepare well.

b. She climbed the mountain in spite of her back injury.

c. He did not give any alms to the beggars even though he had money.

d. In spite of his poor eyesight, he could read newspaper.

e. She has limited friends though she is very sociable.

f. He failed in a bike license exam in spite of his ten attempts.

g. He refused to eat anything despite being hungry.

h. He could not score goods grades in the SEE exams in spite of his hard work.

i. She accepted the job although she didn’t like the salary package.

j. Even though we had planned everything carefully things went wrong.

Unit: 6

                    Money & Economy



B. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences. 

[do ,you,  is ,can ,where, did, does,did ]

a. Is your friend a scientist? – No, he’s an artist. 

b. Does Naresh live in Kathmandu? – No, he lives in Pokhara. 

c. When did you get home? – I got home yesterday.

d. What time do you get up? – I get up at 6:00. 

e.  Did the children go to the park? – Yes, they went there after school. 

f. Are you going to school? – No, I’m going home. 

g. Can you speak Chinese? – Just a little. 

h. Where did you grow up? – I grew up in Okhaldhunga.

C. Make wh-questions so that the words in bold become the answer. 

a. Romeo loves Juliet.

Ans: Whom does Romeo love?

b. My mother made a delicious bread yesterday. 

Ans: What did you mother make yesterday?

c. The music was composed by Narayan Gopal.

Ans: By whom was the music composed?

d. I’m looking for a new book. 

Ans: What are you looking for?

e. They were talking about the new movie. 

Ans: What were they talking about?

f. She got the idea from a story. 

Ans: Where did she get the idea from?

g. She always goes to school on foot. 

Ans: How does she go to school?

D. Change these indirect questions into direct ones. 

a. Could you tell me where the Market Street is? 

Ans: Where is the Market Street?

b. I’m longing to know what time the bank opens.

Ans: What time does the bank open?

c. Do you have any idea how he’s managed to get in shape so quickly? 

Ans: How has he managed to get in shape so quickly?

d. I’d like to know how much this motorcycle costs these days. 

Ans: How much does this motorcycle cost these days?

e. Did you notice if he had left the car in the park? 

Ans: Had he left the car in the park?

f. Have you found out if the train has left? 

Ans: Has the train left?

g. I was wondering if they speak English well. 

Ans: Do they speak English well?

h. Would you tell us how we can get to the post office from here?

Ans: How can we get to the post office from here?

i. Do you remember if I locked the front door?

Ans: Did I lock the front door?

h. She sometimes goes to the cinema. 

Ans: How often does she go to the cinema?

i. They have been waiting for three years.

Ans: How long have they been waiting for?

D. Change these indirect questions into direct ones. 

a. Could you tell me where the Market Street is? 

Ans: Where is the Market Street?

b. I’m longing to know what time the bank opens.

Ans: What time does the bank open?

c. Do you have any idea how he’s managed to get in shape so quickly? 

Ans: How has he managed to get in shape so quickly?

d. I’d like to know how much this motorcycle costs these days. 

Ans: How much does this motorcycle cost these days?

e. Did you notice if he had left the car in the park? 

Ans: Had he left the car in the park?

f. Have you found out if the train has left? 

Ans: Has the train left?

g. I was wondering if they speak English well. 

Ans: Do they speak English well?

h. Would you tell us how we can get to the post office from here?

Ans: How can we get to the post office from here?

i. Do you remember if I locked the front door?

Ans: Did I lock the front door ?





A. Study the following sentences from the text. The words in bold are called ‘frequency adverbs’. 

a. Belly laughs never come through the nose.

b. There is always a meaning to it.

c. She found that the less authentic tones are often more nasal.

d. Scott occasionally takes up the microphone herself at comedy nights in London.

e. She tells me about an acquaintance who had frequently irritated her with a persistent, fluting, laugh.

B. Put the frequency adverbs in appropriate place and rewrite the following sentences. 

a. I forget to do my homework. (sometimes

Ans: I sometimes forget to do my homework.

b. My father has touched an alcoholic drink in his life. (never) 

Ans: My father has never touched an alcoholic drink in his life.

c. My father goes for a walk on Saturdays. (often) 

Ans: My father often goes for a walk on Saturdays.

d. We go to the movie theatre. (occasionally

Ans: We occasionally go to the movie theatre.

e. My brother is in America. He telephones us. (from time to time) 

Ans: My brother is in America. He telephones us from time to time.

f. My mother gets up at five o’clock. (always) 

Ans: My mother always gets up at five o’clock.

g. He does not like alcoholic drinks but takes some wine. (now and then)

Ans: He does not like alcoholic drinks but takes some wine now and then.

h. I drink my tea with milk. (generally)

Ans: I generally drink my tea with milk.

i. Have you been to Agra? (ever) 

Ans: Have you ever been to Agra ?

j. The restaurant hours vary as it is booked for special events. (frequently)

Ans: The restaurant hours vary as it is frequently booked for special events. 

Unit: 8

Human Culture


Adjectives and adverbs 

A. Observe the following examples carefully. 

a. The trash is wrapped in neat bundles.

b. We realize that sodaigomi is a part of larger cycle.

c. In the morning, the choicest items are gone.

d. I looked around me quickly, and I happily picked up one bookcase with both arms.

B. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences. 

a. This house is very small. I want to buy a much bigger one. (much / big) 

b. I liked the magic show. It was far more exciting than I’d expected. (far / exciting)

c. It was very cold yesterday. It’s a bit warmer today. (a bit / warm)

d. The warmer the weather the better I feel. (good)

e. An average American earns considerably higher than an average Nepali. (considerably / high)

f. Health care in Nepal is not as expensive as it is in the US. (expensive)

g. I think the problem is far more complicated than it seems. (far / complicated)

h. You are driving very fast. Would you please drive a bit more slowly? (a bit/ slowly)

i. Your handwriting is not legible. Can you write a bit more neatly? (a bit/ neat) 

C. Rewrite the following sentences with the sentence beginnings given below. 

a. Kabir is less intelligent than he pretends. He is not as intelligent as he pretends.

b. I am busy today but I was busier yesterday. I’m not as busy as I was yesterday.

c. Hari has lived in Kathmandu for 10 years but Bikram for 20 years. Hari has not lived in Kathmandu as long as Bikram has lived.

d. I used to study 12 hours a day but nowadays I study only 5 hours a day. I don’t study as much as I used to.

e. It’s a very good room in our hot inel. In fact, it’s the best room in our hotel.

f. He earns 30 thousand rupees a month but spends 40 thousand. He spends more than he earns.

g. There is no other mountain higher than Mt. Everest in the world. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

 h. The place was nearer than I thought. It was not as far as I thought.

i. Bharat can play better than Mohan. Mohan can’t play as well as Bharat can’t. 

Unit: 9

Ecology And Environment


Reported speech 

A. Study the following expressions. 

Interviewer: Julia, can you share your experiences of living on the branches of a tree for  two years? 

Julia: It was wonderful! I can’t express that in words. 

Somebody reported the above expressions in the following way. 

The interviewer asked Julia to share her experiences of living on the branches of a tree for two years. 

Julia replied that it had been wonderful. She could not express that in words.

B. Someone says something to you which contradicts to what they told you earlier. Match the beginnings of the conversations with the correct endings.

a. I’m going to pokhara on holiday.

Ans: You said you were going on business.

b. He’s a lawyer.

Ans: You told me he was a teacher.

c. She’s had a baby girl.

Ans: You said she’d had a boy.

d. I haven’t seen Binesh for ages.

Ans: You told you’d seen him previous week.

e. I love these new boots.

Ans: You said you hated them.

f. I only cheated in one exam.

Ans: You admitted you cheated in all your exams.

g. She doesn’t Hindi or Chinese.

Ans: You told me she was fluent in both.

h. He works in Kathmandu.

Ans: You told me his office was in Biratnagar.

C. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. 

a. The principal said, “You can phone from my office, Rita.”

Ans: The principal told Rita that she could phone from her office.

b. “You must not neglect your duty,” said the teacher to the student. 

Ans: The teacher told the student not to neglect his/her duty.

c. The student said, “Sir, please, grant me a leave for two days.”

Ans: The student requested the teacher to grant him a leave for two days.

d. I said to her, “Go to school or you will be fined.” 

Ans: I told her to go to school or she would be fined.

e. The headmaster said, “Don’t make any noise, boys.” 

Ans: The headmaster forbade boys to make any noise.

f. “Work hard if you want to rise in life,” said the old man. 

Ans: The old man advised us that we should work hard if we wanted to rise in life. 

g. He said, “Goodbye, my friends!” 

Ans: He bade his friends goodbye.

h. She said to me, “Have a pleasant journey ahead.” 

Ans: She wished me (to have) a pleasant journey.

i. “Don’t give me the book, please,” Sharmila said. 

Ans: Sharmila requested me not to give her book.

j. “Where have you been these days?” she spoke on the telephone. 

Ans: She asked me on the telephone where I had been those days.

k. The teacher said, “Have you submitted your assignments, students?”

Ans: The teacher asked the students if they had submitted their assignments.

D. These are the exact words Dinesh said to you yesterday.

"I’ve just got engaged! We’re getting married next month. We’re going to Pokhara for our honeymoon. It’s all going to be very expensive. Luckily, my friend is a photographer so he’ll take the photos for us. We’ll be having the reception in my parents’ back garden. My mum is baking the cake for us and my sister’s band is playing free for us. I hope you’ll come to the wedding."

Now, you’re telling your friend what Dinesh told you. Complete the text.

He said he (1) had just got engaged. He told me that he (2) they were getting married next month. He told me (3) they were to Pokhara for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it (4) was all going to be very expensive. He said that his friend (5) was a photographer, and he (6) would take the photos for them. He mentioned that they (7) would be having the reception in his parents’ garden. He admitted that (8) his mum was baking the cake for them, He said his sister’s band (9) was playing free for them. He said he (10) hoped I’d come to the wedding.

Unit: 10

Career Opportunities



Conditional sentences 

A. Study the following examples which are taken from the text above. 

a. If you have a staying CV when it does, then you won’t be in the best possible position to grab it.

b. A prospective employer may need to verify your statements regarding, for example, work permit status, qualifications and may need to take a criminal record check especially if the job involves working with children.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs. 

a. If you sell your stocks now, you won’t get much money for them. (not/get)

b. A lot of people would lose job if the factory closed down.(close down) 

c. Our country won’t have to export wheat if it rains in November and February. (rain)

d. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life. (find)

e. If he had not been wearing helmet, he would have been seriously injured. (be) 

f. Unless you follow the instructions, you won’t pass the exams. (not/ pass)

g. I don’t mind walking home as long as the weather is fine. (be)

h. The bank will sanction you the loan provided you deposit a collateral. (deposit)

i. What would you have done if you had not got this job? (you/do)

j. If you had the choice, where would you live? (you/live) 

C. Change the following sentences into ‘if sentences’ as in the example. 

Example: I did not go to a restaurant because I was not hungry. 

    I would have gone to a restaurant if I had been hungry.

a. The driver was talking on the phone so the accident happened. 

Ans: If the driver hadn’t been talking on the phone, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

b. There is no anyone at home because all the lights are off.

Ans: If there was anyone at home, all the lights wouldn’t be off.

c. He must be an educated person because he has subscribed ‘The Kathmandu Post.’

Ans: If he wasn’t an educated person, he wouldn’t have subscribed ‘The Kathmandu Post’.

d. His head was not injured in the accident because he had put the helmet on.

Ans: His head would have been injured in the accident if he hadn’t put the helmet on.

e. I am sure he passed the exam because he gave a heavy treat to his friends.

Ans: If he hadn’t passed the exam, he wouldn’t have given a heavy treat to his friends.

f. You didn’t take any breakfast so you are hungry now.

Ans: If you had taken some breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now.

g. I am sure he is a doctor because he is wearing the white gown.

Ans: If he wasn’t a doctor, he wouldn’t be wearing the white gown.

h. She is very rich so she drives a Mercedes.  

Ans: If she wasn’t very rich, she wouldn’t drive a Mercedes.

i. I didn’t know it was only half a kilometer from my house, so I booked a ride.

Ans: If I had known it was only half a kilometer from my house, I wouldn’t have booked a ride.

j. He has hidden something in his mind, so he does not look fresh.

Ans: If he hadn’t hidden anything in his mind, he would look fresh.

Unit: 11



Passive Voice

A. Study the following sentences.

Sheela gave Milan a bar of chocolate

Milan was given a bar of chocolate by Sheela

A bar of chocolate was given to Milan by Sheela

B. Change the following sentences into passive voice. 

a. I want someone to love me.

Ans: I want to be loved.

b. Someone broke into our house while we were on holiday. 

Ans: Our house was broken into while we were on holiday.

c. I don’t like people staring at me. 

Ans: I don’t like being stared at.

d. Is it true that someone stole your car? 

Ans: Is it true that your car was stolen?

e. The cat enjoys someone tickling him. 

Ans: The cat enjoys being tickled.

f. Would Swostika open the window? 

Ans: Would the window be opened by Swostika?

g. Did they confess the crime?

Ans: Was the crime confessed by them?

h. He thinks that someone is teaching Jennie.

Ans: He thinks that Jennie is being taught.

i. Sabina hates people laughing at her.

Ans: Sabina hates being laughed at.

C. Complete the following sentences as in the example. 

Example:People believe that the one billion defaulters are staying in the UAE. 

     The one billion defaulters are believed to be staying in the UAE. 

a. English people think that the number thirteen is unlucky.

Ans: The number thirteen is thought to be unlucky by English people.

b. What are you wearing for the wedding? 

Ans: Actually, I am having a suit made (a suit make). They will give it tomorrow.

c. The carpet in our drawing room is very dirty. 

Ans: It needs to be cleaned. (clean).

d. There are rumors that the factory at the corner is manufacturing bombs.

Ans: The factory at the corner is rumored to be manufacturing bombs.

e. Some people believe that Silajit from Jumlacures all indigestion problems.

Ans: Silajit from Jumla is believed to cure all digestion problems.

f. People claim that Changu Narayan temple is the oldest temple in Nepal.

 Ans: ChanguNarayan temple is claimed to be the oldest temple in Nepal.

g. A: Your car is making a terrible noise.

Ans: B: Thank you. I am not a mechanic and I will be repaired soon. (repair).

h. The police suspect that the criminal left the country.

Ans: The criminal is suspected to leave/is suspected to have left the country.

i. A: Where are you going?

Ans: B: I am going to the stationery to get my document photocopied. (my document /photocopy)

j. People allege that the corrupt leader has embezzled millions of rupees.

Ans: The leader to have embezzled millions of rupees.

Unit: 12

Animal World


Passive voice 

A. Make passive sentences from the following information as in the example. 


Toyota cars/Japan/make : Toyota cars are made in Japan.

a. volleyball/every/country/play

Ans: Volleyball is played in every country.

b. spaghetti/boiling water/cook

Ans: Spaghetti is cooked in boiling water.

c. each lesson/an exercise/follow

Ans: Each lesson is followed by an exercise.

d. taxes/the price/include

Ans: Taxes are included in the price.

e. extensive information/the internet/find 

Ans: Extensive information is found on the internet.

f. our order/the waiter/took

Ans: Our order was taken by the waiter.

g. the schedule/the participants/will distribute

Ans: The schedule will be distributed to the participants.

h. the police/footprint/found

Ans: Footprint was found by the police.

i. the children/the sandcastles/built 

Ans: The sandcastles were built by the children.

j. the father/the window/not going to open

Ans: The window is not going to be opened by the father.

B. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice using the correct form of verbs in the brackets. 

a. Call the ambulance! Two boys have been injured (injure) in a motorbike accident.

b. The clock has been used (use) since the 17th century.

c. I had to wait outside the classroom while the classroom was being cleaned(clean).

d. The problem is being discussed (discuss) by the subject specialists at the moment.

e. By the time I came back, the task had been finished (finish).

f. Women are said (say) to be happier than men.

g. Look! The house is being destroyed (destroy) by the fire.

h. The other three reports will have been submitted (submit) by next month.

i. Many people have been rescued (rescue) from the floods by the security persons this year.

j. The state of Florida was hit (hit) by a hurricane that did serious damage.


Unit: 13




B. Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions. 

a. The relationship between the two boys has changed significantly over the past few years.

b. In Nepal, many girls get married at an early age.

c. I’m not in the mood for such silly games.

d. There were no security personnel on duty at that time.

e. The new smartphone is similar to the one I bought a few years ago.

f. My dad insisted on taking the later train.

g. People with ambition always try to achieve their goals, no matter what happens.

h. Mr Jenkins has been disabled all his life as a result of a childhood illness.

i. We bought the TV because it was on sale.

j. She has no understanding of how computers really work.

k. I gave him my new T-shirt in exchange for a few cigarettes.

l. The company is run by two people who hardly ever meet.

m. All the celebrations and parties were called off because of the tragic accident. 

n. There was a great need of volunteers at the site of the crash. 

C. Complete the following text with correct prepositions.

What are we seeing here? One very real possibility is that these are the educational consequences of the differences inparenting styles that we talked about in the Chris Langan chapter. Think back to Alex Williams, the nine-year-old whom Annette Lareau studied. His parents believe inconcerted cultivation. He gets taken to museums and gets enrolled in special programs and goes to summer camp, where he takes classes. When he’s bored at home, there are plenty of books to read, and his parents see it as their responsibility to keep him actively engaged in the world around him. It’s hard to see how Alex would get better at reading and math over the summer.

Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect And Future Perfect Continuous

A. Study the following sentences. Notice the Verb form in bold.

a. She will win the competition.

b. She will be waiting when we arrive.

c. I will have finished this work by next week.

d. I will have been living here for one-year next month.

B. Make sentences from the given clues as stated in brackets. 

a. Who/pass the exam? (future simple)

Ans: Who will pass the exam?

b. How/you/get home? (future continuous) 

Ans: How will you be getting home?

c. I/come later. (future simple)

Ans: I will come later.


d. She/catch the train by 3 pm. (future perfect)

Ans: She will have caught the train by 3 pm.

e. It/rain tomorrow. (future simple)

Ans: It will rain tomorrow.

f. John/sleep at 4 am. (future continuous)

Ans: John will be sleeping at 4am.

g. How long/you/see your boyfriend when you get married? (future perfect continuous)

Ans: How long will you have been seeing your boyfriend when you get married?

h. It/rain in Kathmandu next week. (future continuous)

Ans: It will be raining in Kathmandu next week.

i. How long/you/work here when you retire? (future perfect continuous)

Ans: How long will you have been working here when you retire?

j. He / not / finish the cleaning by the time she gets home. (future perfect)

Ans: He will not have finished the cleaning by the time she gets home.

C. Complete the following sentences with the correct future tense form of the verbs in the brackets

a. It will snow/is going to snow/will be snowing (snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.

b. On Friday at 8 o’clock, I will be meeting (to meet) my friend.

c. Wait! I will drive (to drive) you to the station.z

d. When they get married in March, they will have been (to be) together for six years.

e. You’re carrying too much. I will open (to open) the door for you.

f. Do you think the teacher will have marked (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?

g. When I see you tomorrow, I will show (show) you my new book.

h. After you take a nap, you will feel (to feel) a lot better .

i. I will let (to let) you know the second the builders finish decorating.

j. We will be waiting (to wait) in the shelter until the bus comes.

k. I’m very sorry, Dr. Jones won’t be (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.

l. This summer, I will have lived(to live) in Birgunj for four years.

m. I don’t think you will have (to have) any problems when you land in Pokhara.

n. The baby should be due soon, next week she will have been (to be) pregnant for nine months.

o. By the time we get home, they will have been playing (to play) football for 30 minutes.

p. When you get off the train, I will be waiting (to wait) for you by the ticket machine.

q. This time next week, I will be skiing (ski) in Switzerland!

r. Now, I will check (to check) my answers.


Unit: 14

                    Human Rights



A. Join the following pairs of sentences using when and while. 

a. Bibha Kumari was doing her homework. The doorbell rang. 

Ans: Bibha Kumari was doing her homework when the doorbell rang.

Ans: The doorbell rang while Bibha Kumari was doing her homework.

b. I heard the telephone ring. I picked it up. 

Ans: I heard the telephone ring when I picked it up.


c. Dil Maya found a thousand rupee note. She was washing her pants. 

Ans: Dil Maya found a thousand rupee note while she was washing her pants.

Ans: Dil Maya was washing her pants when she found a thousand rupee note.

d. Tenjing gave his measurements to the dressmaker. He was visiting the market yesterday.

Ans: Tenjing gave his measurements to the dressmaker while he was visiting the market yesterday.

Ans: Tenjing was visiting the market yesterday when he gave his measurements to the dressmaker.

e. I was at the butcher’s shop. I met Harikala.

Ans: I was at the butcher’s shop when I met Harikala.

Ans: I met Harikala while I was at the butcher’s shop.

f. The sales agent was dealing with the customer. A thief stole the jewels.

Ans: The sales agent was dealing with the customer when a thief stole the jewels.

Ans: The thief stole the jewels while the sales agent was dealing with the customer.

g. My small brother was sleeping. I played chess with my father.

Ans: My small brother was sleeping when I played chess with my father.  

Ans: I played chess with my father while my small brother was sleeping.

h. The old lady fell down. She was climbing up the stairs.

Ans: The old lady fell down while she was climbing up the stairs. 

Ans: The old lady was climbing the stairs when she fell down.

i. The leader was giving a speech loudly. He lost his voice.

Ans: The leader was giving a speech loudly when he lost his voice.

Ans: The leader lost his voice while he was giving a speech loudly.

j. Kanchan broke her backbone. She was lifting up the load.

Ans: Kanchan broke her backbone while she was lifting up the load.  

Ans: Kanchan was lifting up th ofe load when she broke her backbone.   

C. Fill in the blanks with one of the connectives from the box. 

so, because,      as ,since ,due to,      owing to,     because of 

a. We didn’t go for a morning walk today because it was raining.

b. I wanted to go home early as I was not feeling well.

c. My brother stayed at home due to his illness.

d. I was late in the class due to traffic jam.

e. He didn’t like dogs so he was not happy when his wife brought a puppy home.

f. He was not included in the team due to his knee injury.

g. Since I was tired, I went to bed early.

h. He was very unhappy as he lost one million rupees in share market.

i. We cancelled our trip to Rara Lake because of the bad weather.

j. These two lines intersect with each other. So, they are not parallel lines.


Unit: 15

                    Leisure And Entertainment


Miscellaneous agreements

A. Tick the correct one.

a) He has obtained full mark/marks.

b) More than two boys were/was absent.

c) One of the boy/boys was not found there.

d) His wonder knew no bounds/bound.

e) I give you my words/word.

f) He gave me much/many good advice/advices.

g)He gave wrong information/informations.

h) Give me two dozens/dozen eggs.

i) Six miles is/are a long distance.

j) The clock has struck four hours/hour.

k) Would you lend me a ten rupees/rupee note?

l) Nepal government makes five year/years development plan.

m) They went to Singapore on a four days/day trip.

B. Which of the sentence is correct in each pair? Rewrite the correct one. 

a. My all books are lost. All my books are lost.

b. His both brothers are ill. Both his brothers are ill.

c. Give me a hundred rupee. Give a hundred rupees.

d. Everybody except me was absent. Everybody except I was absent.

e. He was died of fever. He died of fever.

f. It is raining for a week. It has been raining for a week.

g. I have seen my friend long ago. I saw my friend long ago.

h. My friend has gone out before I arrived. My friend had gone out before I arrived.

i. He said he has never seen him before. He said he had never seen him before.

j. He assured he will come. He assured he would come.

Unit: 16



Relative Clause

A. Study the following sentences and underline the relative clauses.

a. I snatched a minute when things had slackened a minute.

b. Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered slightly irresolute in the outer office.

c. She was beautiful in a way that was decidedly stenographic.

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns:who, which, that, whom, whose, where, why, how, what or when.

a. There is a lady whose wallet has been stolen.

b. Do you know the man who sold these glasses?

c. The knife which you cut the bread with is very sharp.

d. Why do you blame him for everything that goes wrong? 

e. A cemetery is a place where dead bodies are buried.

f. This school is for those children whose mother tongue is not Nepali.

g. I don’t know the name of the person whom I spoke over the telephone.

h. I came to Kathmandu on the day when the devastating earthquake took place.

i. In the application form she wrote why she needed a good payment.

j. The pilot explained how he made force landing on the road. 

C. Join the following pairs of sentences using who, which, that, whose, whom, where, when or what. 

a. The building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.

Ans: The building which has now been rebuilt was destroyed in the fire.

b. A new cricket stadium is being made in Chitwan. It can accommodate one hundred thousand people. 

Ans: A new cricket stadium, which can accommodate one hundred thousand people, is being made in Chitwan.

c. Shanghai is the most populated city in the world. I stayed there for five years.

Ans: Shanghai, where I stayed for five years, is the most populated city in the world.

d. This is the man. I gave some money to him this morning.  

Ans: This is the man to whom I gave some money this morning.

e. Do know the man? His son was awarded in the school yesterday.

Ans: Do you know the man whose son was awarded in the school yesterday.


f. His step-mother was not very kind to him. He had been staying with her.

Ans: His step-mother, with whom he had been staying, was not very kind to him.

g. He can never forget Nashua Jail. He had spent 14 years there.

Ans: He can never forget Nakkhu Jail, where he had spent 14 years.

h. He showed me his new tab. He had paid a hundred thousand rupees for it.

Ans: He showed me his new tab, for which he had paid a hundred thousand rupees.

i. Nelson Mandela joined ANC in 1930s. He was a student then.

Ans: Nelson Mandela joined ANC in 1930s, when he was a student.

j. She forgot to buy the things that her mother had told to buy them.

Ans: She forgot to buy the things that her mother had told to buy them.

Unit : 17

                          War and Peace 


Past simple, past continuous, past perfect and past perfect continuous tense

A. Study the following sentences.

a. My head was aching again, so I went home early.

b. Sanita was teaching to the children while Nitesh was washing up.

c. He worked hard all his life.

d. Just as I was getting into the bath the fire alarm went off.

e. Before he stopped laughing, everyone had left.

f. The film had already begun by the time we got to the cinema.

g. She had returned to the house where she had been staying with friends.

B. Here is an extract from a newspaper article about a missing boy (Ronish) and his father (Naresh). Decide why different forms of past tenses were used.

Naresh said that Ronish, who used to enjoy riding with him on his bike, followed him as he set off. He told the child to go back to his mother, and rode away. Meanwhile, Ronish’s mother thought that Ronishhad gone with Naresh; Naresh believed Ronish had stayed behind. It was only some hours later, when Naresh returned, that they realized Ronish had vanished …


            The different forms of past tenses were used because this paragraph mentions the past event.

C. Fill in the gaps with the suitable form of the verb in the brackets. Usepast simple/past continuous/past perfect tenses. You may need to use negative too.

It was Sunday afternoon. I was watching (watch) a cookery programme on TV when I realized (realise) how hungry I was. But of course, I was hungry; I hadn’t eaten(eat) anything since lunch, and I had run. (run) a race in the morning. “Biscuits!” I thought (think). My mother had given(give) me a jar of delicious home-made biscuits. 

I went (go) into the kitchen, opened(open) the fridge and poured (pour) some milk in a big glass. Then I looked (look) for the kitchen chair but it wasn’t (be) there: somebody had taken(take) it away. And there were no biscuits in the biscuit jar: somebody had eaten (eat) them all! I was sure I had put (put) the jar there the previous day and I had eaten (eat) only one cookie. It was very strange.

A few minutes later, I was drinking (drink) my glass of milk when I heard (hear) a loud noise coming from the dining room. I went (go) there quickly and I opened (open) the door. I couldn’t believe my eyes. An enormous monkey was eating (eat) the biscuits excitedly on the kitchen chair. 

D. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes. 

Example: Did you ever see her before you met her at school? 

         Had you ever seen her before you met her at school? 

a. She played the flute and then she had sung in their choir. 

Ans: She played the flute and then she sung in their choir.

b. I borrowed Rima’s car. Had you known about it? 

Ans: I had borrowed Rima’s car. Did you know about it?

c. After the lesson had finished, we run out of school. 

Ans: After the lesson had finished, we ran out of school.

d. Had you be there? – Yes, the previous year. 

Ans: Were you there? – Yes, the previous year.

e. Did you liked my article published in the Himalayan Times yesterday? 

Ans: Did you like my article published in the Himalayan Times yesterday?


f. I recognized him because I saw him before. 

Ans: I recognized him because I had seen him before.

g. I hadn’t gone out because I hadn’t finished my homework. 

Ans: I didn’t go out because I hadn’t finished my homework.


h. We had done nothing like this at that time.

Ans: We did nothing like this at that time.

i. It was quite difficult. I had had no idea what to do.

Ans: It was quite difficult. I had no idea what to do.

j. As far as I’d known, she had always had some pets. 

Ans: As far as I knew, she had always had some pets.

k.When I met Jim, he was already a soldier for three years.

Ans: When I met Jim, he had already been a soldier for three year

l. He had gone to the coffee because somebody had told him

Ans: He went to the coffee because somebody had told hi

Unit: 18

Music And Creatio



A.    Study the following sentences and underline the preposition

a. Over seventy-three million American suffer from deafnes

b. He did not admit to his deafness for another three year

c. The heating crisis allowed him to listen to inner sounds without distraction.

B.    Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions

a.     I was accompanied to the hospital by my friend.

b.     I have great respect for my teacher

c.     The culprit was sentenced to death.

d.     His arguments are not based on truth.

e. He has not contributed to the development of our nation.

f.  He died of Corona at the age of thirty-five.

g.  The young generation of Nepali people don’t take interest in politics.

h.     Our village was not infected by Corona.

i.        Why do you sneer at me?

C.    Fill in the blanks with for, since, until, by orin.

a.     The classes will be over by 5 P

b.     Karma Sherpa reached the top of Mt. Everest in 8 hour

c.     We had met after five years. So we kept on talking until three in the  mornin

d.     She has been living in America since she got marrie

e.     He has been playing video game for ten hour

f.       She practices the Sitar every day for five hour

g. He lived in Jumla until he passed high school examination

h.     There is no chance of dry weather even today. It has rained since last Saturday.

i.  I can type 120 words in a minute.

j.We take an early breakfast. It’s generally ready by six in the morning.

Unit: 19

                     Migration And Diaspora


A. Make sentence from the table below using do/didn't use to as shown in the example.

a. She used to travel a lot but now she rarely leaves her tow

b. She used to be lazy but now she works hard.

c. She didn’t use to like junk food, but she eats momo and noodles these days.

d.She used to have a pet, but it died last year.

e.She used to be a schoolteacher but now she is a professor.

f. She used to have many friends but now she has limited friend

g.She did not use to read many books, but she reads a lot books.

h.She didn’t use to take coffee but now she drinks coffee.

i.She used to go to parties a lot but now she doesn’t attend parties.

B.Complete the sentences with used to or would

a. My sister used to have short hair when she was youn

b. We used to have lunch in the same school café when I was in middle school.

c. My father used to play badminton before he had backbone problem.

d.When I was very young, I did not use to (not) like milk.

e.  She would call me after class for a chat.

f.My mother didn’t use to (not) wear glasses when she was at the university.

g. When I was a child, we used to live in a villag

h. On Sundays, my mother would wake up and go to the temple.

i.  How many friends would have in class ten ?

j. My father would always read me bedtime stories before bed.

Unit: 20

      Power And Politics

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