40 important and patterned Botany questions to Help you Prepare for CEE Exams - Note Library


40 important and patterned Botany questions to Help you Prepare for CEE Exams

40 important and patterned questions from Botany CEE past year question memory based questions

40 important and patterned Botany Questions 

**::Lets run our mind to the most important, repeatedly asked and sequenced patterned 40 question of BOTANY. 
( I have gone through 3 times of complete solution and given my 100 percent in arranging this questions as patterned. Might it would help you with coming exams. At least this basic questions are yet necessary to get a good marks in botany. 
All the best. 😊)

Q1. Oncology is the study of 
 a. Neoplasm 
 b. Cytoplasm
 c. Nucleoplasm
 d. Hyaloplasm

Q2. All of the following is true for virus except that it
  a. Has either RNA or DNA
  b. Can be crystallized
  c. Has nucleic protein with RNA and DNA
  d. Is an obligate parasite

Q3. The earliest prokaryotes must have been 
     a. Chemoautotrophs
     b. Chemoheterotrophs
     c. Saprophytes
     d. Protists

Q4. Red algae and BGA are similar in
    a. Mode of reproduction
    b. Reserve food
    c. Cell Wall
    d. Phycobillins

Q5. Nutritious culture medium is obtained from
     a. Algae
     b. Fungi
     c. Bacteria
     d. None

Q6. Clamp connections and dolipore septum are the characteristics of
      a. Mycomycetes and phycomycetes
      b. Ascomycetes and deuteromycetes
      c. Basidiomycetes
      d. Penicillium and Aspergillus

Q7. Bread mould is the name of
     a. Rhizopus 
     b. Agaricus
     c. Penicillium 
     d. Basidiomycetes

Q8. Which of the following structure help in respiration of lichen
 a. Cephalodia 
 b. Isidia
 c. Soredia 
 d. Cyphella

Q9. A Moss differs from fern in having
     a. Flagellated antherozoid
     b. Archegonia
     c. Haploid spores
     d. A dependent sporophyte

Q10. Stele in fern is
      a. Protostele 
      b. Siphnostele
      c. Volestele 
      d. Dictyostele

Q11. Chilgoza grains are obtained from
      a. Pinus 
      b. Triticum aestivum
      c. Cycas 
     d. Banyan tree

Q12. Heliophytes are
      a. Light loving plants
      b. Shade loving plants
      c. Sun loving plants
      d. Salt loving plants

Q13. Gaseous exchange in submerged plants occurs by
      a. Hydathodes
      b. Lenticels
      c. Stomata 
     d. GBS

Q14. The term Ecosystem was coined by
      a. Reiter
      b. Tansley
      c. Linnaeus 
     d. Odum

Q15. Maximum variation of organism is found in
      a. Desert
      b. Grassland
      c. Temperate
      d. Tropical rainforest

Q16. Most of the energy is present in
      a. Herbivores
       b. Carnivores
      c. Producers 
      d. Tertiary consumers

Q17. Prokaryotic genetic system has
      a. DNA but no histone
      b. Either DNA or histones
      c. Neither DNA nor histones
      d. Both DNA and histones

Q18. The marker enzyme of mitochondria is 
     a. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
     b. Aldolase
     c. Amylase
     d. Succinic dehydrogenase

Q19. Large size of thylakoid is
     a. Stroma lamella 
     b. Grana lamella
     c. Grana 
     d. Loculus

Q20. Transport protein is
     a. Actin 
     b. Albumin 
     c. Myosin 
     d. Keratin

Q21. Lipids are 
      a. Structural constituents of cell membrane
      b. Soluble in non polar solvents
     c. Component having high energy value
      d. All of the above

Q22. Disjunction occurs during
      a. Anaphase I 
      b. Anaphase II
      c. Prophase I
      d. Prophase II

Q23. Cell plate formation is initiated by
     a. Endoplasmic reticulum
     b. Golgi complex
     c. Microtubules
     d. Microfilaments

Q24. Formation of DNA from RNA is called
     a. Transcription
     b. Transduction
     c. Replication 
     d. Reverse transcription

Q25. Which is present instead of Thymine in RNA
     a. Adenine 
     b. Guanine
     c. Cytosine
      d. Uracil

Q26. Gene mutation is due to
 a. Reproduction 
 b. Linkage
 c. Changes in the sequence of gene in DNA
 d. Changes in the sequence of nitrogen bases

Q27. The original source of variation in a genome is
     a. Independent assortment
     b. Recombination
     c. Crossing over
     d. Mutation

Q28. A nucleoside differs from nucleotide in Not having 
      a. Sugar
      b. Nitrogen bases
      c. Glucose 
      d. Phosphate group

Q29. Stele in monocot stem is 
     a. Siphonostele 
     b. Eustele
     c. Atactostele
     d. Merostele

Q30. Pericycle lies between 
     a. Epidermis and hypodermis
     b. Endodermis and hypodermis
     c. Endodermis and vascular bundle
     d. Phloem and xylem

Q31. Which of the following is the modification of stem for storage 
      a. Ginger 
      b. Radish
      c. Carrot
      d. Turnip

Q32. Fertilizers can kill plants due to 
      a. Endosmosis 
      b. Exosmosis
      c. Plasmolysis 
      d. None

Q33. In C4 plant, first CO2 acceptor is
a. Oxaloacetic acid
b. Malic acid
c. Ribulose 1,5 biphosphate
d. Phosphoenol Pyruvate

Q34. Respiration and photosynthesis both requires
a. Cytochrome
b. Sunlight
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide

Q35. When pollination occurs between neighbouring flowers of Same plant
a. Xenogamy
b. Allogamy
c. Geitonogamy
d. Cleistogamy

Q36. Opening and closing of flower involves
a. Nastic movement
b. Epinastic movement
c. Tropic movement
d. Autonomic movement

Q37. Biofertilizer in crop is improved by
a. Phosphate fertilizer
b. Urea
c. Nitrogen fertilizer
d. Calcium fertilizer

Q38. To keep the flower fresh, we use
a. Auxin
b. Cytokinin
c. Gibberellin
d. ABA

Q39. Banana plant develops from
a. Rhizome
b. Seed
C. Sucker
d. Stolon

Q40. Through swan necked flask experiment, Louis pasteur supposed the theory of biogenesis put forward by
a. Stanley Miller
b. A.l. Oparin
c. Francisco Redi
d. Haldane

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