This article contains Class 11 Chemistry Chapterwise important questions
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Some important short questions from Inorganic chemistry!!
1. What is nascent hydrogen? Mention an example to show nascent hydrogen is more powerful reducing agent than molecular hydrogen.
2. Name the isotopes of hydrogen. Which isotope is least abundant/radioactive?
3. Differentiate between ortho and para hydrogen.
4. Mention an important use of: ⚫Deuterated water (heavy water)
⚫Nascent hydrogen
5. Write two examples of each:
⚫Amphoteric oxide
⚫Neutral oxide
⚫Mixed oxide.
6. How does formation of ozone takes place in stratosphere? What is meant by tailing of mercury?
7. Why is water an excellent solvent for polar substances?
8. Explain why:
⚫Ammonia can not be dried by passing through conc. H2SO4
⚫ Conc. HNO3 is stored in dark bottle?
⚫Phosphorus is stored in water.
⚫Conc. H2SO4 is diluted by adding acid into water but not water into acid?
⚫H2SO4 always acts as an oxidizing agent but not reducing agent.
9. What is the laboratory test of:
⚫ nitrate ion (ie. Nitric acid) (i.e. ring test)
⚫ Cl, Br and I
⚫Sulphate ion(sulphuric acid) 10. What is aqua regia? Write it's reaction with gold.
11. Compare the bleaching properties of Cl2 and SO2
12. Give a chemical reaction for the preparation of HCI. Why HBr and HI can not be prepared by treating conc. H.SO, with bromide and iodide?
13. How does bromine/chlorine reacts with hot and conc. NaOH?
14. Why is CO extremely poisonous?
15. What is meant by allotropy? Which one is hardest allotrope and latest discovered allotrope of carbon? Write one use of each.
16. What happens when white phosphorus is heated with aqueous caustic soda? (i.e.
preparation of phosphine).
17.Write molecular formula and one use of:
⚫ Hypo
⚫Boric acid.
⚫Silica gel
18. Why are noble gases chemically inert? Write two uses of noble gases.
19. What are the major pollutants for photochemical smog? Write its major effects.
20. How do oxides of sulphur (SO.) and nitrogen responsible for acid rain? Write major effects of acid rain.
21. What is green house effect? How does CFS deplete ozone layer.
22. Reaction of ammonia with:-
⚫CO2 gas
⚫ Cl2 gas
⚫CuSO4 solution
⚫ Na-metal
⚫Mercurous nitrate/chloride paper.
23. Reaction of nitric acid with:-
24. Reaction of CO with:
⚫ Cl2
⚫ NaOH
⚫Water gas (CO+H) is heated over ZnO+Cu.
25. Reaction to show that:
H2SO4 as (a)an acid (b) an oxidizing agent (c) dehydrating agent
⚫SO2 as an oxidizing agent
⚫H2S as: (a) a reducing agent (b) an analytical reagent.
Some important short questions from metals:
1. 'Every ore is a mineral but every mineral is not ore', give reason.
2. Wrire differences with example between:
⚫ Calcination and Roasting.
⚫Pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy.
⚫Flux and Slag.
3. Write short note on:
⚫Froth floatation process.
⚫Carbon reduction process ⚫Aluminothermite process.
4. Explain why:
⚫ Carbon reduction process not applied for the extraction of alkali metal.
⚫Alkali metals impart characteristic colour to the flame.
⚫ Sodium metal gets turnished in air.
⚫Quick lime produces hissing sound when added into cold water.
⚫Sodium metal is kept in kerosene,
⚫Sodium fire at laboratory not extinguished by adding water.
5. Define the terms:
⚫ Dead burnt plaster.
⚫Setting of plaster of paris.
6. Write important characteristics of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.
7. Write molecular formula and one use of: washing soda, backing soda, caustic soda and soda ash.
8. Convert:
⚫Caustic soda to washing soda and baking soda.
⚫ Sodium into washing soda. Sodium into sodium silicate.
⚫Washing soda into soda ash.
9. Action of sodium(Na) with:
⚫Moist air
10. Action of caustic soda(NaOH) with:
⚫ Zinc
⚫Ammonium chloride
11. Action of washing soda(Na:CO) with:
⚫ Air
⚫Heated sand(SIO2)
Some important short questions from Organic chemistry:
1. Explain why:
⚫Sodium extract( Lasagne's extract) is alkaline in nature.
⚫Sodium extract is boiled with conc. nitric acid while testing for halogens.
2. Give the functional isomers of: a) CHO b) CH.O and c) CH.O and write their IUPAC name.
3. What are electrophiles and nucleophiles? Write two examples of each. 4. Define inductive effect and give it's important application.
5. Define antiknocking agent( Gasoline additive) and write one example.
6. What is the function of TEL in gasoline? 7. Define octane number. A fuel has octane number 80. What does it mean?
8.What is cracking of petroleum?
9. What happens when:
⚫Bromoethane is heated with sodium metal in presence of dry ether.
⚫Sodium acetate( sodium ethanoate) is hated with soda-lime.
⚫2-bromopropane is heated with alc. KOH.
⚫Ethene(ethylene) is passed through Baeyer's reagent( Alkaline solution of KMn0.).
⚫Ethyne(acetylene) gas is passed through ammonical solution of silver nitrate.
10. Write one example of each:
⚫Kolbe's reaction
⚫Dehydrohalogenation reaction ⚫Decarboxylation reaction
11. Write a chemical test to distinguish: ⚫Ethyne(alkyne) from ethene(alkene).
⚫Ethene/ethyne from ethane.
Some important short questions from Physical chemistry:
1. What is ideal gas? Under what conditions will a gas nearly behaves like an Ideal gas?
2. Why Hund's rule is called rule of maximum multiplicity?
3. Define the terms: a. Surface tension b. viscosity. c. aqueous tension.
4. Give proper reason for the following: ⚫Rain (liquid) drops are spherical.
⚫Alcohol can flow easily but honey can not.
⚫Evaporation takes place from the surface of liquid.
⚫It is more efficient to wash clothes is hot water than cold water.
5. What is evaporation? How does it differs from boiling?
6. Distinguish between:
⚫Isotropic and anisotropic substances giving an example of each.
⚫Crystalline and amorphous solid.
⚫Crystal lattice and unit cell.
7. Mention one important character and an example of each:
⚫ Efflorescence (efflorescent substance)
⚫ Deliquescence (deliquescent subastance)
⚫Hygroscopy (hygroscopic substance)
8. Why electron does not jump into the nucleus.
9. Define (a)nuclear fusion (b) nuclear fission (c) thermonuclear reaction, giving one example of each.
10. Distinguish between:
⚫Nuclear reactions and chemical reactions.
⚫Controlled nuclear fission and uncontrolled nuclear fission.
11. What is hydrogen bond? Differentiate between intramolecular and intermolecular H-bonding with example. 12. Define dipole moment and give it's two important applications.
13. Write down the Lewis structure of:
⚫ (NH4)2 SO4
⚫ H2SO4, etc.
14. Differentiate between polar and non polar covalent bonds with one example of each.
15. State modern periodic law. On what basis does Mendeleev's periodic law differs from modern periodic law.
16. What is periodicity and its causes? How do atomic radii( size) vary in a group and a period?
17. State and explain the law of equivalent proportion/ reciprocal proportion/ multiple proportion.
18. Define the terms:
⚫ Oxidation. Oxidation number(state)
⚫Reduction Oxidant/reductant.
19. What is redox reaction? Show that oxidation and reduction takes place simultaneously.
20. Calculate the weight of 11.2 liters of CO gas at STP.