Calculator for IOE Entrance Exam: First rumour about using the calculator in the IOE entrance examination is that “IOE does not allow Participants to use a calculator in IOE entrance examination”.
This is totally wrong message to the participants. Instead, IOE suggests participants use scientific calculators as easily as they can. You may opt not to use calculators as no problems with difficult and huge calculations are asked. But you may use calculators to become confident in your calculation and carry them without worrying. Also you may have some calculator tips to do in exam.
Can we use a calculator at the IOE entrance?
In fact, the use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed in the exam. The most popular CASIO-FX 991ES is also non-programmable and thus it is allowed in the examination.
Also, the most popular CASIO-FX 991W is also non-programmable and thus it is allowed in the examination. So, I recommend carrying a basic scientific calculator. But for easy calculation, you may carry the calculator with the capability of having limits, derivatives, and antiderivatives.
Furthermore, you can also carry a CASIO FX-991EX CLASSWIZ Scientific Calculator. You are checked for your devices before entrance and the guard may ask you not to take devices inside the exam room if found suspicious. If allowed during entry, this calculator will be beneficial to you as well the CASIO FX-991ES.
In case, Sometimes we think like if the invigilator may not allow us calculators because they don’t know about these new calculators.
That’s our big mistake, as an invigilator in IOE is not a common person, they are all related to engineering fields. In fact most of them are IOE Pulchowkian’s. So they can easily recognize what kind of device you are carrying and what sort of tasks they can perform.
According to IOE’s rules and regulations, non-programmable calculators are easily allowed. CASIO FX-991EX CLASSWIZ Scientific Calculator is also non programmable so it should be allowed.